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(1월~12월) 일반주일설교

Hearing God Speak
Hearing God Speak In his book, Without Feathers, Woody Allen offers an essay which spoofs the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac. As...

Joe Cocker And Grace?
Joe Cocker And Grace? One time I was speaking at a conference on the subject of hearing our Father express His love to us in nonreli...

Is God In A Bad Mood?
Is God In A Bad Mood? “I think God is out to get me!” George Castanza once said to Jerry on the popular Seinfeld television sitco...

Christian Cataracts
Christian Cataracts Sometimes people with failing vision have been known to pretend to see better than they do. They find it hard to...

Celebrating Life In Every Situation
Celebrating Life In Every Situation Celebration was a foundational aspect of the growth of the early church. The second chapter of A...

Can You Go Too Far With Grace?
Can You Go Too Far With Grace? One of the most frequent accusations I hear as I teach the truth of grace is that we have to be caref...

The Value of Laughter
The Value of Laughter When Nehemiah led the people of Israel to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, they had a ceremony after the rec...

A Throne In Heaven
A Throne In Heaven Things don't just "happen" in this world. A sovereign God has written the script for the drama we call life...

Theodicy And My Own Idiocy
Theodicy And My Own Idiocy Okay, friends - I traveled to Florida yesterday to arrive and find there was quite an interest in what I ...

Did The Father Forsake Jesus On the Cross? No!
Did The Father Forsake Jesus On the Cross? No! For many years I taught the seven sayings of the cross and when I came to the words o...

It's Not True That Grace Is An Important Doctrine
It's Not True That Grace Is An Important Doctrine "Why do you stress the grace of God, but don't talk much about Hi...

When Others Try To Put Expectations On You
When Others Try To Put Expectations On You One of the greatest changes grace brings to followers of Jesus when we are set free from ...

You Shall Know They Are Christians
You Shall Know They Are Christians Imagine giving a description of what God is like to somebody who had never heard of Him. How woul...

Negative Faith
Negative Faith Some people have a negativity being broadcast inside them practically all the time. Sometimes it is a conscious broa...

Resting In Christ
Resting In Christ It is amazing how the default setting in contemporary Christian culture tends to oppose the concept of spiritual r...

Why I'm Against Religion
Why I'm Against Religion Sometimes people are taken aback when they hear me say that I'm against religion. That's the...

When We Are In Deep Pain
When We Are In Deep Pain When my son, David, was about three years old, he woke up one night crying in agony. Melanie and I rushed i...

Energized By Grace
Energized By Grace Nothing is more invigorating to the life of a believer than continuously experiencing the grace of God. Religion ...

My First Date
My First Date I've shared this story a thousand times, but assume many of my FB friends haven't heard it. It...

Sweet Tea - The Nectar of Heaven
Sweet Tea - The Nectar of Heaven Ingredients: 2 Family Size Tea Bags 1 Gallon Water 2 Cups White Sugar Place...