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(1월~12월) 일반주일설교

I'm A Recovering Poisonous Preacher
I'm A Recovering Poisonous Preacher One day when Elisha instructed one of the sons of the prophets to prepare a meal, he went ...

Getting Along With Other People
Getting Along With Other People The newspaper report read, “James L. Ramey, 53, of Clyde, N.C., was charged with assault in Novembe...

When We Seem To Be Sinking
When We Seem To Be Sinking I remember the day I learned to swim, as a child. It was in a Sunday School class party and everybody the...

When God Rolls By
When God Rolls By My youngest son, David, lived in New York City at the time the Twin Towers were attacked. From his apartment in Je...

A Subtle Lie: We Should Live By The Teachings of the Bible
A Subtle Lie: We Should Live By The Teachings of the Bible "You should live by the teachings of the Bible." Sounds good, huh? We...

Let's Party!
Let's Party! Everybody likes a party! Parties are usually associated with the celebration of life in some way. A New Years par...

The Growing Grace Revolution
The Growing Grace Revolution I just googled "define: revolution" on the Internet and here's what popped up first: "1. A drasti...

Taking Chances In Life
Taking Chances In Life The first man to climb Mt. Everest might have seemed to be an unlikely candidate to many people...

Do We Really Have Two Natures?
Do We Really Have Two Natures? Remember being taught that there\'s a good dog (your new nature) and a bad dog (the sin nature) i...

Wounded Soldiers
Wounded Soldiers It was in the midst of the Iraqi War that a young American soldier made a foolish mistake that almost ended his lif...

Moving From Mercy To Grace
Moving From Mercy To Grace An article in Progress magazine reported that Billy Graham received a speeding ticket driving through a s...

No Superstars In God's Kingdom
No Superstars In God's Kingdom Looks can be deceiving. Sometimes we see people that seem to be superstars when it comes to the...

How To Forgive Somebody
How To Forgive Somebody For nearly four decades, I've been counseling people on how to forgive those who have hurt them. Unfor...

Aslan Is Not Safe
Aslan Is Not Safe In The Chronicles of Narnia , C. S. Lewis wrote in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe about an occasion when Sus...

Can You Go Too Far With Grace?
Can You Go Too Far With Grace? Those who are afraid of the message of the grace walk have sometimes suggested that you can go too fa...

Stillness Stillness. It was into the stillness of an empty void that God spoke and said, “Let there be” and all that is came into...

Dirty Diapers And Divine Acceptance
Dirty Diapers And Divine Acceptance When my grandson, Jonathan, was a baby, I was holding him on my lap one day. I was laughing at h...

Idleness With Jesus
Idleness With Jesus In Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, there is an intense scene where Captain Ahab’s whaling boat presses through a ...

Looking Beyond The Religious Lens
Looking Beyond The Religious Lens My wife, Melanie, and I have loved the chance to occasionally vacation in the Carribean. At times...

A Jed Clampet Sort of Grace
A Jed Clampet Sort of Grace To practice the discipline of contentment, we must be set free from an all-consuming goal to increasingl...