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(1월~12월) 일반주일설교

The Most Popular Video I've Ever Put On YouTube
The Most Popular Video I've Ever Put On YouTube Almost 4000 people have watched this video. The followin...

Just Play
Just Play Unless you are converted and become like a little child, you can’t enter the kingdom of heaven. That’s what Jesus said....

When We Wonder Why
When We Wonder Why “Why is this happening to me?” the young man asked me after describing a crisis he was facing. “I’ve tried to...

Canned Foods And Closed Hearts
Canned Foods And Closed Hearts My parents were born during the decade of “The Great Depression.” It was a time when many families ...

Hearing God's Voice
Hearing God's Voice For the first five years of my married life, my parents lived outside the United States. I knew the date the...

No Forwarding Address
No Forwarding Address Sometimes people have the mistaken notion that grace plus faith equals a happy lifestyle at every moment. That...

Diguising Our Doubts As Belief
Diguising Our Doubts As Belief “I haven’t seen God answer my prayer yet, but I’m still believing Him for the answer.” I often hea...

Time Demands and Stress
Time Demands and Stress Trust in the Lord and your way will be made clear. Frustration comes when things aren’t progressing accordi...

Grasshoppers & Grace
Grasshoppers & Grace Are you a slower learner? I am. It sometimes seems to me like the Lord has to teach me the same lesson over and...

A Busy Mind
A Busy Mind “Often I can’t even go to sleep because of all the thoughts running through my mind,” someone once said to me. “I’m...

Forgiving Yourself
Forgiving Yourself I know that God has forgiven me, but I just can’t forgive myself,” someone recently said to me after describing...

Sprititual Children
Sprititual Children Do you wish you were more spiritually mature? Join the crowd. Children always want to grow up in a hurry. Every...

To Speak of Grace
To Speak of Grace No words, no words, does my soul have To rightly speak of Grace, But Papa’s tender hands reach down

Inconsistent Christians
Inconsistent Christians “The one consistency of my Christian experience is inconsistency. The desire to be consistent in the Chris...

Ministry In Oregon
Ministry In Oregon Yesterday and today have been great days with the men of the Foursquare denomination here at Camp Tadmor in Leban...

Religion's Rubber Checks
Religion's Rubber Checks It was the very beginning of Grace Walk Ministries. I had been on television for the past hour hosting...

Let's Do Less For God
Let's Do Less For God Let’s do less for God. I believe we would be much more content and He would be pleased by our making tha...

Changing As I Go
Changing As I Go I’ve changed a lot over the years, in many ways. Maybe the way I’ve changed the most is centered on how I see God...

Those Ridiculous, Religious Rules That Ruin Lives
Those Ridiculous, Religious Rules That Ruin Lives A Boston-Globe article reported a couple of years ago that New Hampshire's st...

Rest In Peace - It's The Only Way To Go
Rest In Peace - It's The Only Way To Go For many years the concept of rest was so foreign to me that I couldn’t comprehend it....