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Meet Jesus Christ(예수 그리스도를 만나 보십시오)/ Genesis 3:17-19(창3:17-19))/ 2006-03-23
Meet Jesus Christ Genesis 3:17-19 God couldn’t be indifferent from man fallen in trouble. So God sent the Savoir Jesus C...

Are you in trouble, then pray to the Lord(어려움에 처해 있다면 주님께 기도하십시오)/ James 5:14(약5:14)
Are you in trouble, then pray to the Lord James 5:14 God is love. Therefore He liked to use His almighty power an...

God’s Love of Salvation in Christian Life(그리스도인의 삶에 나타나는 하나님의 구원의 사랑)/ John 6:63(요6:63)
God’s Love of Salvation in Christian Life John 6:63 God is love. Love comes from God and with life. The Bible te...

Pray to use the power of God(하나님의 능력을 사용하게 해 닳라고 기도하십시오)/ Psalms 121:1-3(시121:1-3)
Pray to use the power of God Psalms 121:1-3 God knows everything. God is all mighty. There’s nothing out of His ...

Faith to destroy the power of death(사망의 권세를 부숴뜨리는 믿음)/ Genesis 2:16-17(창2:16-17), Genesis 3:17-19 (창3:17-19)
Faith to destroy the power of death Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 3:17-19 God is the source of life. God is eternal, s...

The Idolatry, the Fall(우상숭배는 곧 몰락입니다)/ Revelations 21:8(계21:8), 2 Chronicles 24:18(대하24:18)
The Idolatry, the Fall Revelations 21:8, 2 Chronicles 24:18 God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the...

Be the Winner of the Bless of God(하나님의 축복을 얻는 자가 되십시오)/ Ephesians 6:11-12(엡6:11-12)
Be the Winner of the Bless of God Ephesians 6:11-12 God is the Creator. God distinguished DAY from NIGHT. ...

Christ Jesus’ Coming for the Completion of the Righteousness and the Grace(의와 은혜의 완성을 위한 그리스도 예수의 강림)/ Deuteronomy 8:3(신8:3), Matthew 4:4(마4:4)
Christ Jesus’ Coming for the Completion of the Righteousness and the Grace Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4 God is t...

Have in you the faith that makes the Lord work(주님이 일하시게 하는 믿음을 가지십시오)/ John 10:7-11(요10:7-11)
Have in you the faith that makes the Lord work John 10:7-11 God knows everything; He is all-mighty. With ...

Jesus Christ is the life(예수 그리스도는 생명이십니다)/ John 11:25-26(요11:25-26)
Jesus Christ is the life John 11:25-26 God is alive. His living proves that God Himself is the life. Theref...

Jesus Christ is our eternal address(예수 그리스도는 우리의 영원한 주소지입니다)/ John 15:7(요15:7)
Jesus Christ is our eternal address John 15:7 God is eternal. He also wants to be eternally with man.

What the sufferings of the LORD mean(주님의 고난이 의미하는 것은?)/ Matthew 27:27-44(마27:27-44)
What the sufferings of the LORD mean Matthew 27:27-44 God diagnosed the world: The world sinned and fell down int...

Be filled with the Holy Spirit(성령 충만함을 받으라)/ Ephesians 5:15-2(엡5:15-21)/ Rev. Seok Jeon Youn(윤석전 목사)
Be filled with the Holy Spirit Ephesians 5:15-2 God is the Spirit. The Spirit is Holy; He is the One God; He lives and w...

Parental love and filial piety in the LORD(주님 안에서의 부모 사랑과 효도)/ Ephesians 6:2-3(엡6:2-3)
Parental love and filial piety in the LORD Ephesians 6:2-3 Parental love and filial piety in the LORD

For the time of your soul(영혼의 때를 위하여)/ John 3:16(요3:16)/ Rev. Seok Jeon Youn(윤석전 목사)
For the time of your soul John 3:16 God granted freely man with what belongs to Him, with what man lives with, by and in.

Let’s preach the word of Jesus on the cross(예수님의 십자가 위에서의 말씀을 전파합시다)/ John 1:3-5(요1:3-5)
Let’s preach the word of Jesus on the cross John 1:3-5 God is love. His love is the wisdom and the power of the...

The blessing for a thousand generations(천대(千代)까지 이르는 축복)/ 1 Corinthians 3:16(고전3:16)
The blessing for a thousand generations 1 Corinthians 3:16 God blesses. He is the very source of all blessings. ...

Look, the Lamb of God coming into the world!(보십시오, 세상으로 오시는 하나님의 양이십니다)/ John 1:29(요1:29)
Look, the Lamb of God coming into the world John 1:29 Jesus Christ came this world as Savoir of man: the Word who...

Let’s make in the Spirit the most of every opportunity(가장 많은 모든 기회들을 성령 안에서 만듭시다)/ Ephesians 5:15∼21(엡5:15-21)
Let’s make in the Spirit the most of every opportunity Ephesians 5:15∼21 God lives forever; He existed in the ...

Love your neighbor as yourself(당신 자신처럼 당신의 이웃을 사랑하십시오)/ Luke 10:25∼37(눅10:25-37)
Love your neighbor as yourself Luke 10:25∼37 God is love. God’s love lasts ever; it is sincere forever. ...